Friday, August 9, 2013

Bio medical medicine is the way I go !

     My daughter had good days and bad days, but I just felt that there was something else I can do to make them more better than worse. There was one day that Angelina got out of control with hitting and had big meltdowns, that made me evaluate everything that I did so far for my daughter. The medicines that her neurologist from "Children's Hospital of Philadelphia" were not working for her and were making her more aggressive towards everyone and cry for no reason. That week I just sat down in my bedroom and researched for a whole week other types of ways that I would be able to go about with my daughter.

     I went to a website in the internet that was called My Autism Team and spoke to several parents who had children with autism. I received great feedback from them and several parents mentioned to me about bio medical medicine, how it was helping their kids. I knew this was an option I should explore, but I had to further investigate it and talk to other parents to come up with my conclusion whether it was something I should try out with my daughter. I was not born knowing everything, but the only thing that i knew is that I wanted my daughter to get better somehow and I wasn't going to give up on her.

     That is how I researched Dr. Neubrander and how he came up with the Methylcobalamin B12 injections (MB12 injections). I saw his internet website and saw every video that he had, which were the before and after videos of every child with autism. I was surprised of what I saw and of course I knew that not every child reacts the same with the Methyl B12 injections, but I did want to pursue this direction with my daughter. I went again to the internet website "My Autism Team" and spoke to this parent that had gone to a Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) doctor in Newtown Square in Pennsylvania, which she was really happy with him because her child improved a lot. This parent mentioned that she liked this doctor because he was a parent with twins with autism. I knew this doctor was the one I should go with Angelina because he and I shared the same situation "we are parents of an autism child". 
      I made Angelina's first appointment with this doctor and was very anxious to see what he would tell me when he meets my daughter, his initial evaluation of Angelina. I told my family about this and had their support on this. I even spoke to my husband over the phone, but he just was not feeling the same as I was about seeing this doctor. I think he was afraid that I would have high hopes of this new treatment with our daughter and then it would turn bad in the end. I knew that this was something that is not approved with medical insurances and of course would have to pay cash to see him, but I just did not care. I absolutely do not see money as an obstacle when it comes to having my daughter be seen by a doctor that might better the way she is now. I had this maternal feeling that I should go all the way with this and hope for the best. 

     I knew that I had to change Angelina's eating habits and that I had to turn her eating to Gluten Free and Casein Free foods. This is a change that I knew would be difficult to begin with because Angelina was used to eating her donuts, cup cakes and drinking her milk. I had to turn to my friend Google and research how I can turn this into something that she would love and not something she would hate. I have to say that I love Facebook because I have my former neighbor who is vegan and just by reading her blogs and read her posts, I was able to come up with a way to turn Angelina's eating habits positive. 

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  Knowledge When my child was diagnosed with autism; I went thru so much anxiety and trying to look for resources on the web to see w...