Saturday, June 10, 2017

Experiences and difficult stones to pass

I have passed all these years since the diagnosis of my child; thru ups and downs. It is something that as a parent that it affects you and you turn into anything that is going to help you child advance and progress in her life. I have started at first with therapy and then turned to her seeing a Neurologist in Long Island, New York to changing her to a Neurologist in Philadelphia, PA. (keep in mind I live in the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania so it's a long car ride for my child)

I have started with them doing head MRI's to making sure she doesn't fall into the category of having seizures; which they had to sedate her for that exam. Then in the end I turned to a Genetics doctor in The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; making sure that there wasn't an abnormality with her. I did turn to medicine, but then gave up because it was making her worse than better. I found a biomedical doctor in Philadelphia which from there I started more than 3 years ago a Gluten-Free diet with her.

I researched what foods,medicine,things she may touch that may have gluten. You would be amaze of the stuff that contain gluten, I honestly prefer shopping for her in Wegman's because it shows me if things contain gluten or not.  Some examples are: some playdough's, soy sauce, some powder garlic, some brand name hot dogs...etc.. 

I have turned into giving my child vitamins and mb12 injections and I can honestly say these things are not cheap; they do cost money but it is well worth it for your own child who needs them. I do love especially the probiotic which is the VSL #3 which you have to keep it in the refrigerator and give once a day. 

I did find out that my daughter these months has another diagnosis to add which is OCD plus her autism. That was something that I didn't expect and it was making her life bad as in the writing and her impulses. I did turn to medication for this condition, but honestly I am trying to find a way to make her life biomedical and get rid of the chemicals and bad things in her body. 

I did talk to this person who reference me on this diet of a woman called Keri Rivera and I honestly am going to see how it goes. I am going to eliminate her sugars and have heard that there is coconut sugar which is good for you. She is 70% off dairy now, but I am trying to make it 100%. 

I try to go in the internet, talk to people in the Autism Team app in my iPhone and they also share information with me just like I share information with them. Sometime doctors turn to medicine and think it is the solution to a child's problem, but sometime it is not like that. Us as adults might take medications for conditions that we have, but we are adults. I could take medications for my fibromyalgia and my migraines, but I wouldn't want my child who has autism and OCD turn into medications if biomedical treatment would help her and eating gluten-free. 

Honestly, I can't say I have been the best of a mother because nobody is perfect, but I can say that I find a way to make my daughter get better and make her autism more lower. 

I blamed myself for my daughter having autism and I blamed myself because I thought I did something that caused this, but I am learning now that it is something that happens and you can't do anything just do the best you can and move forward. My daughter has been in her worse of days when she was first diagnosed and now even though it is not the best; it is much better.
I still remember when my daughter went to see her developmental doctor and she had a bad tantrum and went to the ground in the office waiting room and couldn't stop yelling and was in her own world. I was crying because I honestly felt I didn't know what to do for her, I felt useless as a parent and doing the job alone and her father not around to help me. I remember that there was this lady that told me: Don't worry I passed through this with my child, things look bad now but it will get better... give it time. I still remember her words and now I know it might not be perfect but I do see improvements in my child. 

I do the best I can and only expect that one day my daughter can grow up and have a normal way of living and go off to college and be the best she can be. I know there is no cure for autism, but I do know that there has to be a way to make her life better. 

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