Monday, July 28, 2014

"The Happiest Day of a Mom..."

What it Means to be a Mom with a "Special Needs" daughter...
     Since my daughter was diagnosed with autism several years ago, I went through several stages "denial, sadness and then action mode". My daughter Angelina has autism and I know it and accept it, but then again I felt that I had to try several things to help my daughter. As you can read my previous posts I tried several things, but in the end I tried "alternative medicine". I believe in my heart that it was the best decision I ever made with Angelina. It is not something that "medical insurance" covers, so I actually have to spend out of pocket but it was so worth it for me because my daughter has progressed so much. I am not saying that she is 100% perfectly fine, because there is never a 100% in life. If you see my daughter now and compare how it was before, I can honestly say that to me it is a major difference.
      Angelina is being treated with "Alternative Medicine", in which she is completely "Gluten-Free", also accompanying her "Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy" (ABA Therapy), in addition to private speech therapy outside and speech therapy and occupational therapy in school too. A lot of people and things play a factor for my daughter progressing, but ever since she has been "Gluten-Free" her behavior has changed and so many things have changed with her. With her "Alternative Medicine Doctor" as many call "DAN Doctor", I am also giving her vitamins too.
      Saying all this is what I am going through with my daughter and I know it is a step by step process. But, today when I got home I went to my bedroom and my daughter Angelina left in my pillow an envelope she made that said "Angelina" with a heart in the middle and "Mommy", if you see the picture she drew a yellow ribbon in the middle and looks like a present. When I opened it, she had another paper folded inside with a picture of SpongeBob and all the cartoon characters.
      Seeing this made me laugh with a big smile in my face and so proud as a mother. So proud because I can see that my daughter is progressing so much and that is something that makes my day and world to see. Now Angelina even asks me to read to her bedtime stories, which in the end she read and I help her with some words she doesn't understand. "She Can Read"!!! That makes me so happy because even though it is a day by day process with Angelina, I can say I feel so proud to see her make all these positive things. It just makes me so proud and so happy, it completes my world. I love all my three children the same, but I express my happiness with Angelina because she is a child with "Autism", and just watching her progress makes me so happy. It is the same happiness if I see any of my two boys Jean-Pierre and Philippe, do in their every day progresses in school or life. 

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  Knowledge When my child was diagnosed with autism; I went thru so much anxiety and trying to look for resources on the web to see w...